Amended Annual Meeting Notice Mailed to Members
We wish to inform our valued members of an error in the Annual Meeting notice dated September 20, 2023.
The initial notice incorrectly mentioned the election of three directors. The correct number is two directors, each to be elected for a three-year term. A corrected notice was issued on September 26, 2023, and will be mailed to each member.
Members who have already sent in their proxy from the September 20th notice do not need to resend it. However, a proxy from either the original or amended notice can be submitted, with only the latest returned proxy being recognized as valid.
The Annual Meeting remains on schedule for November 14, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., at the C.H. Shelton Office Complex at 2255 Gordon Avenue, Yazoo City, Mississippi.
We apologize for any confusion and appreciate your understanding.
The Annual Meeting of Members of Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association will be held Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at the office of the Association in Yazoo City.
At this meeting, two directors will be elected to serve a three-year term each. Of the two directors to be elected, one must be a Yazoo Valley member and resident of Yazoo, Holmes or Humphreys County. The other director must be a Yazoo Valley member and resident of Warren, Sharkey or Issaquena County. A committee to consider and make nominations for directors of the Association was appointed at an August meeting of the board of directors. Members appointed to serve on this committee are Houston Cohea, James T. Henry, Will Jones, Dianne Lewis, Jamie Peaster, Mary Tucker, and Rosemary Watson.
The Committee will meet at a time and place set by the board of directors and shall prepare and post a list of nominations for board members at the main office of the Association at least thirty days before the annual meeting. Any 50 members acting together may make other nominations by petition, and the Secretary shall post such nominations at the same place where the list of nominations by the Committee is posted. Nominations made by petition, to be effective, must be received by the Association at least 10 days before the meeting.
At least 30 days before the date of the annual meeting, each member will receive a notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting. Such notice will include the number of directors to be elected and the names and addresses of the candidates nominated by the committee on nominations.
At the annual meeting, a report will be made to the members on the operation of the Association for the past year, and all business coming before the meeting will be transacted.
Q. When was the last rate increase?
A. A 2017 study resulted in the need to increase residential and general service rates to recover their share in the organization’s operation cost. Those increases went into effect in 2019, and since then, there have only been small increases related to the rise in the cost of power charged by our wholesale energy provider.
Q. Where can I find copies of the rate schedules?
A. Copies of the rate schedules will be available after January 3, 2023. You can receive a paper copy from our office. You can also view the rate schedule on our website at
Q. What is Yazoo Valley doing to keep costs down?
A. Yazoo Valley seeks to control costs by maintaining a small but effective workforce and utilizing technology to streamline and gain efficiency in our work processes. Competitive bidding of contracts and material purchases and working within a defined annual budget contribute to the control of increases.
Q. What can I do to reduce my electric cost and save money?
A. Yazoo Valley offers several payment options to save you time and special trips to the office, such as:
Mobile Payments with the Yazoo Valley App
Auto Draft Online Payments
Budget Billing Paperless E-billing
Making sure your home is energy efficient is essential in saving money on your electric bill. Members can find useful energy efficiency information on our website and Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association Facebook page. You can also visit our office, where we have different energy efficiency handouts in our lobby.
In addition, members can request an appointment to conduct energy/bill audits and find ways to reduce usage and save on their bills.
Q. Why are rate adjustments necessary?
A. Yazoo Valley’s Board of Directors and executive staff continuously monitor the organization’s financial stability to determine if or when a rate increase is necessary. Recently, Yazoo Valley hired an independent accounting and engineering firm to conduct a cost-of-service study.
The cost-of-service study indicated the need for change. Like any business, Yazoo Valley has increasing costs through payroll, materials, and supplies. The past year and a half have been particularly challenging from both supply and cost perspectives, with inflation rates exceeding 8 percent annually.
Weather-related damage to the electrical system is also an ongoing issue. In past years we’ve had numerous river floods and destructive tornadoes. The 2010 Yazoo City tornado cost the Association over three million dollars. Tornadoes in April 2017 caused over a half-million in damage. An ice storm in early 2021 caused a quarter-million in damage. The Association can only absorb the cost of some of those events year-over-year.
Additionally, our energy provider increased the cost of power on January 1, 2023. This increase drives around 70% of the total cost to the Yazoo Valley members.
Q. When will I see the changes on my bill?
A. The new rates will be effective with billings dated after January 1, 2023
Q. How much will my bill increase?
A. The recent cost of service study ensures that each member pays their fair share. The impact for individual accounts may vary based on rate class and usage. The most significant difference is the change in the kilowatt-hour charge, which has increased for residential and general service rate classes. Based on average annual usage, Residential and General Service members will see the following adjustments:
- The average Residential member (Rate 9) will pay $5.33 more monthly. The increase, based on kilowatt-hour usage, will increase the average residential bill by approximately 3.1%.
- The availability charge for General Service accounts (Rate 1), including camps, barns, hobby shops, and other seasonal or low-use loads, will increase by $1.00 per month.
- Additionally, the kilowatt-hour rate will increase. The average account in this rate will see a billing increase of approximately $5.07, an increase of 5.48%.
Q. What makes up the Availability Charge?
A. The Availability Charge provides funds to maintain the reliable service our members have come to expect for over 85 years.
The Availability Charge covers items such as:
- Vehicles, equipment, poles, wires, and transformers, and the labor needed to build and maintain the electrical system
- New technologies to increase efficiency and reliability and shorten response time on outages and service calls
- Liability insurance, interest, and taxes
- Emergency storm restoration after storms, tornados, and hurricanes
Each Yazoo Valley member benefits from using reliable electric service available when they are ready to use it. The Availability Charge ensures that everyone with access to reliable electric service pays a fair share of the cooperative’s fixed costs, not dependent on usage.
Meter Tampering Policy updated
Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association has updated its policy regarding tampering with meters.
Cases involving meter tampering usually involve individuals attempting to steal electricity. This is not only illegal, it is extremely dangerous. Meter tampering can result in fatal electric shocks or cause fires. In addition to those who are attempting to modify the meters this practice can also put our employees at risk. There will be financial costs and possible legal penalties for anyone caught tampering with meters.
The full updated policy appears below:
SUBJECT: Meter Tampering, Electric Distribution Facilities Tampering, and Diversion of Electric
1. Summary
Meter tampering, electric distribution facilities tampering, and the diversion or stealing of electricity is dangerous and puts our members and employees at risk. Any alteration of a meter or other electric facilities could result in electrocution, electrical burns, or other serious personal injuries. There is also the chance of sparking a fire, which could damage property. Meter tampering and the diversion of electricity is also a crime punishable by Mississippi law. Furthermore, as a cooperative, we are owned by our members, and the financial impact of meter tampering and electricity theft is felt by all our members. This policy is intended to address and establish the consequences of meter tampering and the diversion of electric current by:
A: any member (which, as used in this policy, includes a joint member);
B: any resident of a member’s household;
C: any person under the control of or acting on behalf of a member;
D: any employee of a member;
F: any independent contractor of a member; or any invitee or licensee of a member.
2. Policy
Prohibited Acts. Meter tampering, electric distribution facilities tampering, and the diversion or stealing of electric current is strictly prohibited. Members needing to perform work on their electric service at the meter base should contact Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association (“YVEPA”) to request a temporary disconnect. No member or any other person(s) identified in items A. through F. above, including, but not limited to, licensed electrical contractors, shall remove, install, or tamper with YVEPA’s electric meters, wiring, apparatuses, or any other electric distribution facilities.
Discontinuance of Service. If YVEPA suspects meter tampering or the diversion of electric current, YVEPA may disconnect the member’s electric service and report the matter to local authorities.
Fees, Adjustments, and Other Payments. In addition to any penalties which may be imposed for any violations of Mississippi law, a violation of this policy will subject the member whose name appears on the account for the service location to a violation payment of up to $1,000.00 for the first offense and a violation payment of up to $2,000.00 for each subsequent offense, plus service call charges and the costs of labor and replacement parts. The member will also be billed for the estimated charge of un-metered service. If the estimated amount of un-metered service cannot be determined, the member may be required to pay up to six (6) months of the member’s average electricity bill for the immediately preceding twelve (12) months.
Restoration of Service. Service will not be restored until all payments for the following are received by YVEPA:
A: Adjusted payment for un-metered electric service;
B: Violation payment;
C: All service call charges;
D: Labor;
E: Replacement parts; and
F: Service charge for reconnecting service.
Service will be reconnected only during regular working hours, Monday though Friday, except in the case of an emergency.
Customer Payment Liability. Any discontinuance of service by YVEPA shall not release the member from liability for payment for service already received or from liability for payments that thereafter become due.
Liability for Cut-Offs. YVEPA shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the discontinuance of service as a result of a violation of this policy.
Member Who is Responsible. The member(s) whose name(s) appear(s) on the application for service is (are) the member(s) responsible for payment of all fees and charges assessed for a violation of this policy. That member is also responsible for any policy violations that occur at the service location. Personal acts or participation by the member in any such violation shall not be necessary to impose personal responsibility on the member.
Refusal of Service. YVEPA shall have the right to refuse to render service to an applicant for membership or to any member of an applicant’s household who is living at the same address whenever such person(s) is (are) delinquent on any payment to YVEPA under this policy.

Wade O’Briant named 2022 Lineman of the Year
Sometimes Mama knows best.
That was certainly the case for Yazoo Valley Electric’s Wade O’Briant when his mother Donna urged him to consider a different career path.
After graduating from Winona Christian School in 2009, O’Briant planned to go to work in the oil field. His older brother Zac was already working in the oil industry and had a job lined up for Wade.
“My mama begged me to go take my ACT just to see how I would do,” he said. “She wanted me to try lineman school. I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t really know anything about being a lineman. I had no idea.”
Things changed quickly when O’Briant arrived at lineman school at Holmes Community College.
“I ended up going to lineman school to make her happy, but the first time I climbed a pole I fell in love with it,” he said.
O’Briant was hired by Yazoo Valley Electric immediately after completing lineman school. Thirteen years later he continues to find lineman work rewarding.
“I love being outside, and I love helping people,” he said. “It feels like you’re doing something worthwhile when you’re out there getting people’s power back on. Of course it gets aggravating at times, but I wouldn’t change anything. I may complain sometimes, but there’s really nothing in the world I’d rather be doing.”
O’Briant enjoys the variety of situations he finds himself in doing linework.
“It stays interesting because you’re doing something different every day,” he said. “There is something different about every job.”
O’Briant has been successful as a lineman. He was recently selected by his peers as Yazoo Valley Electric’s 2022 Lineman of the Year.
When he’s not working, O’Briant and his wife Ashley spend much of their free time helping their three sons, Braxton, 8, and twins Spencer and Stokes, 5, pursue their hobby of racing dirt bikes.
“Every weekend we’re racing dirt bikes somewhere,” he said.
Dirt bike racing is a family tradition. O’Briant and his brother also raced in their younger days.
“We traveled all over racing,” he said. “I raced my whole life, until I turned 18 and had to go to work.”
The O’Briant family recently built a home on their family land between Durant and West. That came with the added benefit of getting him closer to were he does the majority of his work in Yazoo Valley’s northern territory.
“That’s home to me,” he said. “I consider all of that home.”
And many members of Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association who know they can depend on O’Briant to answer the call at any time when the lights go out are grateful for that.

Are Portable Space Heaters Efficient for My Home?
By Abby Berry
Small space heaters are meant to do exactly as their name says: heat a small space. But unfortunately, many people use portable space heaters to heat their entire home, which can really take a toll on your energy bills. The truth is, whether you should use space heaters really depends on your home’s efficiency and energy needs.
If you’re using a space heater to compensate for problems in your home, like inadequate insulation, drafty windows and exterior doors, or an inefficient heating system, space heaters are not a practical solution. Your best bet is to improve the overall efficiency of your home. If you’re on a tight budget, caulking and weather stripping around windows and exterior doors is a low-cost, easy way to save energy. Depending on the size of your home, adding insulation can be a great next step. Loose fill insulation typically costs $1 to $1.50 per square foot. Taking these proactive energy-saving measures rather than relying on space heaters for supplemental warmth can reduce your heating and cooling bills for years to come.
Perhaps your home is energy efficient but you’re cold-natured and want a specific room to be cozier than the rest. In this case, a space heater may work for your needs. A good comparison is ceiling fans; we use ceiling fans in the summer to cool people, not rooms. A space heater can be used in a similar way during winter months. Only use a space heater in small spaces that you’re occupying and, if possible, try to shut off other rooms to contain the warmth provided by the space heater. If you decide to use a space heater to heat a small area in your home, make sure the heater is properly sized for the space; most heaters include a general sizing table.
A word about safety: the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates more than 25,000 residential fires are associated with the use of space heaters every year, resulting in more than 300 deaths. If you must use a space heater, purchase a newer model that includes the most current safety features and make sure it carries the Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) label. Choose a thermostatically controlled heater to avoid energy waste and overheating, and place the heater on a level surface away from foot traffic when in use. Always keep children and pets away from space heaters.
Consider alternative ways to stay warm like extra layers of clothing or UL-approved electric blankets. If you have hardwood or tile floors, lay down area rugs to provide additional insulation (and appeal!) and maintain warmth.
We know it’s cold out there, but remember in addition to safety concerns, space heaters can greatly increase your energy bills if used improperly.
If you’re looking for alternative ways to save energy and increase comfort in your home, contact Yazoo Valley Electric at 662-746-4251. We’re here to help you manage your energy use.
Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the national trade association representing more than 900 local electric cooperatives. From growing suburbs to remote farming communities, electric co-ops serve as engines of economic development for 42 million Americans across 56% of the nation’s landscape.

Jimmy Wayne Pettis named Yazoo Valley’s 2021 MVP
Jimmy Wayne Pettis doesn’t like talking about himself.
He doesn’t have to.
His actions speak for him.
In 28 years at Yazoo Valley Electric Pettis has developed a reputation as a hard worker who is always dependable.
In addition to his consistent performance on the job, Pettis contributes in other meaningful ways – perhaps most notably by leading Monday morning devotional meetings. Those meetings, which are totally voluntary, are always well attended. That’s probably because the message is always authentic and spoken from the heart.
Considering all that Pettis does at Yazoo Valley Electric, he may have been the only person who was surprised when he was voted MVP at the annual Employee Awards Banquet this year. Pettis was the overwhelming favorite among his fellow employee voters.
“Although other workers at Yazoo Valley work hard, day in and day out, to serve our members, Jimmy Wayne Pettis stands out,” said General Manager Michael Neely, who has worked with Pettis for the last 15 years. “He has a servant’s heart and is the epitome of hard work and perseverance. Jim’s work ethic and abilities are equaled by his caring heart and ability to listen to others. I’m honored to have Jim as an employee of this Association and even more honored to have him as a friend.”
You have to love what you’re doing to be able to stick with a job for nearly three decades. When asked what appeals to him about his work at Yazoo Valley, Pettis didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Being able to help people,” he said. “You basically get paid for community service working here.”
Pettis was just as quick to answer when asked what makes Yazoo Valley Electric special.
“Yazoo Valley has always been like a family, and I mean that for real,” Pettis said. “You hear a lot of companies say that, but Yazoo Valley has always displayed it. We look out for each other. A lot of people preach that, but they don’t really mean it. It happens here.”
When asked what advice he would give to a young employee just starting out at Yazoo Valley Electric, Pettis had some simple words of wisdom.
“Stay the course,” he said. “That’s the best advice I could give anyone here. If you want to stay at home and have a good job with good benefits and work in a good environment, you just have to stay the course.”