Understanding Your Bill
We’re here to serve you – Not earn a profit.

Every person requesting electric service from Yazoo Valley is required to become a member of the Association. The amount of the monthly electric bill reflects your usage and your investment as a member. Upon termination of service, the membership and deposit fees are applied to the final bill or returned to the member.
A Look A Your Monthly Bill

The monthly meter reading shows how many kilowatt-hours have been used since the previous reading. The kilowatt-hours are multiplied by the rate to determine the energy charge. Other charges such as security lights and any applicable taxes are added in to arrive at the bill total.
The red arrow on the image above shows where you can find your account number. This number will be needed when setting up online bill paying and it is useful when you contact us with questions about your account.
Membership Fees:
All persons, businesses or other entities seeking electric service from Yazoo Valley Electric Power association will pay a membership fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). In the case of multiple accounts in the same name, one membership fee will be charged. All accounts under the same membership number can have only one mailing address and member will be required to sign a guarantee of payment form for each additional meter, thus accepting responsibility for all meters under their membership.
All non-commercial accounts, including residential rental, camps, etc., will be required to pay a deposit of an amount equal to the sum of the highest two month’s electric bills for the location (obtained from the previous history on file). This deposit will be no less than $200 and no greater than $600. This deposit will have to be paid before electric service is connected.
In the case of all accounts not owned by the applicant. satisfactory proof of a valid rental or lease agreement from the legal owner to the applicant must be presented. Without this proof, we do not have authority to connect the account.
Mobile homes owned by the member but parked on property not owned by the member will be treated as residential rental.
Residential accounts owned by the member and used as the primary residence of said member will require $200 deposit before service is connected. However, in the case of a primary and permanent residence (as defined by this policy), and the member presenting satisfactory proof of ownership of the property, and the member has a good credit history, this deposit may be waived. If the deposit is waived, and the account is disconnected for non-payment, the member will have to pay the deposit, along with any outstanding bill and all applicable service charges in order to have the account reconnected.
In the case of all existing accounts that may not have the current amount (as stated in this policy) as a deposit, if said account is disconnected for non-payment, the current deposit amount as listed above, along with any outstanding bill and applicable service charges, will have to be paid in order to have the account reconnected.
A primary and permanent residence for purpose of this policy is defined as a structure the owner primarily lives in for at least 11 months in the calendar year and is built in a manner that it is permanently attached to the ground and cannot be readily moved. A mobile home can be a permanent residence if it is anchored to the ground, skirted, the axles are removed, the tongue is removed, and a Miss. State Dept. of Health approved sewage handling system is installed (proper MSDH approval form must be submitted).
All commercial deposits will be calculated on an individual basis according to past history, or load projections. The commercial deposit can be in the form of cash, bank letter of credit, surety bond or assignment of certificate of deposit. All of these forms must be written to Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association specifications and on the proper form. The commercial deposit must be approved by Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association and in place prior to connection of service.
A nonrefundable service charge is required on all transfers of service or reconnections, for any reason:
$35 During regular business hours until 3 p.m.
$50 During regular business hours from 3 p.m. through 5 p.m. No reconnects are done outside of regular business hours.
Meter Tampering and Power Diversion Fee:
Unauthorized cutting of the meter seal, removing the meter, or protective plate, from the meter base is a violation of Mississippi Code Section 97-25-3. Also tampering with, or altering the electric meter is a violation of this code section. Use of an unauthorized electric meter is a violation of this code section. Accounts found in violation of Mississippi Code Section 97-25-3 will be charged for unmetered electric power based on an estimated derived from past account history, plus $150.00 for the first offense. The second offense will result in a charge for unmetered electric power plus $200.00 and prosecution.
Returned Check Fee:
Member is required to pay this fee on all returned checks, drafts and debits. After the second returned check, draft or debit, the member must pay by cash, money order, cashier’s check or credit card (no debit card) for a period of one year. Returned checks in violation of Mississippi Law, such as checks, drafts or debits on closed accounts can be turned over to the appropriate authorities for collection and prosecution.
$35 first time.
$35 plus an additional $75 deposit the second time. No checks, drafts or debits accepted after this for a period of one year.
Extra Trip Fee:
A nonrefundable fee of $75 is required when Yazoo Valley E.P.A., or its agent, is dispatched to a member’s location and is unable to perform the required function because the member’s facility, or equipment, is not ready. This fee will be applied to trouble calls when the problem is not related to Yazoo Valley EPA’s service or equipment.
Energy Audits And High Bill Resolutions
We offer free energy audits to consumers. These audits are designed to help a consumer save money by finding problem areas in need of correcting. The energy audit will also help find any obvious problems in electrical systems or in the specific areas of heating and cooling. The audit seeks to find the cause of high usage, and it helps the consumer find ways to limit usage.
For more information, call 662-746-4251.
Payment Assistance
Members in need of assistance paying their bill can contact these organizations:
Central Mississippi Inc. (CMI) – (662) 283-4781
Sunflower/Humphreys Community Action – (662) 887 -5659
Washington Warren Issaquena Sharkey Community Action (WWISCAA) – (601) 638-2474
WWISCAA Yazoo – (662) 746-1517